27. Phone Number Field

In many applications we need an input field to enter a phone number. Unfortunately phone numbers can be written in so many different formats that it is difficult to validate them using just regular expressions. The best way to validate a phone number is to use a special library that can parse and format the phone numbers according to the country’s conventions.

Since users often enter a phone number in their local rather than international notation, the component handling the input field should enforce entering the international prefix for the desired country. This avoids ambiguities and is done by providing a dropdown list with all countries and their international prefix.

On submission, phone numbers are saved in the E.164 format. This is the international notation starting with a + followed by the country code and the local number. For example, the German number +49 30 1234567 is saved as +49301234567.

27.1. Installation

We need to install a package providing the flag icons. This can be found in NodeJS:

npm install flag-icons

Since we want to serve the flag icons directly from the node_modules directory, we need to configure our Django setting.py as follows:

    ('node_modules', BASE_DIR / 'node_modules'),

Since we want to render the country names in the user’s language, we need to set up the JavaScriptCatalog view by configuring USE_I18N = True in the project’s settings.py.

We also must provide a route to that view in the project’s urls.py:

from django.urls import path
from django.views.i18n import JavaScriptCatalog

urlpatterns = [
    path('jsi18n/', JavaScriptCatalog.as_view(), name='javascript-catalog'),

Finally we must load the JavaScript file containing the translations for the given country names when rendering our forms. Here we load this generated file to the <head> section of our template:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="{% url 'javascript-catalog' %}"></script>

If we omit the latter, all country names will be rendered in English.

27.2. Usage

In a Django form, a phone number field must be declared by using either a CharField or a RegexField. If the latter is used, the regular expression must match the E.164 format, which is ^\+\d{3,15}$. An alternative is to use the PhoneNumberField provided by the django-phonenumber-field package.

django-formset provides a widget that can be used to facilitate entering a phone number into a field. This widget only performs client side validation, so unless you don’t care about tampered user input, it is a good idea to also validate the phone number on the server side using either the already mentioned RegexField or a special validator.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from django_countries import countries
from formset.validators import phone_number_validator
from formset.widgets import PhoneNumberInput

class ContactForm(forms.Form):
    phone_number = fields.CharField(

As the controlling Django view, we can use a class inheriting from formset.views.FormView, as we did in all the other examples.

27.3. Extra Settings

The following settings can be used to customize the behavior of the phone number widget:

  • Adding "default-country-code": "XX" to the widget’s attrs dictionary, preselects the named country, so that users must not enter their international prefix. Entering a foreign phone number is still possible. Remember to replace XX by the desired two-letter country code.

  • Adding mobile-only: True to the widget’s attrs dictionary, restricts the phone number to mobile phones only. This is useful if the number is required for sending SMS messages.

In this example we preselect the country code for Austria and restrict the phone number to mobile phones only.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from django_countries import countries
from formset.validators import phone_number_validator
from formset.widgets import PhoneNumberInput

class SMSForm(forms.Form):
    phone_number = fields.CharField(
            "default-country-code": "AT",
            "mobile-only": True,

In this form a user may for instance enter 0664 1234567, which immediately is converted to +43 664 1234567. If however for example, he starts typing +49, then the country code is changed to Germany. The number is still validated against mobile phones though.

27.4. Rendering Phone Numbers

Phone numbers are saved in the E.164 format, e.g. +49301234567, which is not well readable for humans. We usually want to display such a number in its local format, namely +49 30 1234567. This can be done by using the format_phonenumber template filter provided by the formset package. This filter takes a phone number in the E.164 format and converts it to the local format according to the country’s conventions.

This filter requires a special third party library not installed by default. To install it, run:

pip install phonenumbers


When using the django-phonenumber-field package, this library is already installed. The latter also provides similar formatting functionality. Please refer to their documentation for more information.

In our Django templates we then can use:

{% load phonenumbers %}
{{ phone_number|format_phonenumber }}

This renders a phone number in the local format, e.g.:

  • in London, for instance as +44 20 1234 5678

  • in Berlin, for instance as +49 30 1234567

  • in New York, for instance as +1 212-123-4567

In the rare case that all phone numbers belong to the same country, we can also render the phone number without the international prefix using the template filter:

{{ phone_number|format_phonenumber:"national" }}

This for instance then renders the above phone number for New York as (212) 123-4567.

However, I strongly advise against using this filter since it makes it hard to distinguish phone numbers from different countries.

27.5. Implementation Details

This django-phone-number widget is implemented using the npm package libphonenumber-js. This library implements a database with all countries, their landline- and mobile phone prefixes, and their formatting conventions. It is a port of Google’s libphonenumber library to JavaScript.