24. Date- and DateTime Input

Modern browsers offer input fields with built-in date and date-time pickers, hence usually there is no need to use a special widget accepting datestamps. However, the built-in date and date-time pickers are impossible to style using CSS or other means. It therefore is impossible to attach context information to the dates and times.

The JavaScript ecosystem offers a huge set of libraries with alternative date- and time-pickers, for instance Flatpickr or Pikaday to name a few, written in pure JavaScript and without any framework. Using one of those would of course be an option. However, it then still is not possible to change the rendering context based on information only available on the server, for instance the vacancy of reservable time slots.

Moreover, JavaScript does not offer any functionality for non-trivial calendar arithmetic, so this has to be implemented by every date picker library.

24.1. Date Input Widget

Django by default uses the HTML field <input type="text" …> to accept dates and datetime as input. This presumably has historic reasons, because browsers started to support this field type only from 2018 onwards. Since these fields adopt themselves to the browser’s locale setting, it is possible to enter dates in different formats. For instance, in the Anglo Saxon area, dates are formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, whereas in Europe they are formatted as dd.mm.yyyy. Japan uses yyyy月mm日dd as date format, but in web applications yyyy/mm/dd is commonly used. This means that the conversion from a string in potentially different formats, must be handled by the server which usually does not know where the user is located. This input field furthermore offers a date picker.

For this reason django-formset offers the widgets formset.widgets.DateInput. This widget renders a date field as

<input type="date" … />

and makes usage of the browser’s built-in date picker. The date format used by the input field then adopts itself to the browser’s current locale setting.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from formset.widgets import DateInput

class ArticleForm(forms.Form):
    date = fields.DateField(

django-formset also offers the widget formset.widgets.DateTimeInput. This widget renders as date-time field as

<input type="datetime-local" … />

and makes usage of the browser’s built-in date-time picker. The date format used by the input field then adopts itself to the browser’s current locale setting.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from formset.widgets import DateTimeInput

class PurchaseForm(forms.Form):
    timestamp = fields.DateTimeField(

24.2. Date Picker Widget

In addition to the two native widgets formset.widgets.DatePicker and formset.widgets.DateTimePicker mentioned before, django-formset offers widgets which render the calendar part of the input field server-side, using Python’s built-in Calendar class. This gives us finer control over the styling of the date picker, and offers the same user experience across all browsers. They furthermore have a more appealing user interface which is consistent with the date- and date-time range fields provided by django-formset.

In this example, we want to add a field to enter the publishing date of our blog. By using the named widgets instead of the default, this input field opens a calendar, whenever the user clicks on it. While technically possible, it is not recommended to interchange them on the same page or even application as this results in unexpected user experience.

from django.forms import fields, forms
from formset.widgets import DatePicker, DateTimePicker

class BlogForm(forms.Form):
    publish_date = fields.DateField(widget=DatePicker)

    # other fields

When paginating through calendar sheets, each sheet must be fetched from the server. Therefore the view controlling our blog form must inherit from the special mixin class formset.calendar.CalendarResponseMixin. This class listens on the supplied endpoint and responds with a HTML snippet of the next sheet.

from formset.calendar import CalendarResponseMixin
from formset.views import FormView

class BlogView(CalendarResponseMixin, FormView):
    form_class = BlogForm
    template_name = "form.html"
    success_url = "/success"

The date format used by the input field adopts itself to the browser’s current locale setting. This means that in the Anglo Saxon area, dates are formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, whereas in Europe they are formatted as dd.mm.yyyy. Japan uses yyyy/mm/dd as date format. This setting can be overridden by adding the attribute date-format to the widget during instantiation, for instance DatePicker(attrs={"date-format": "iso"}).

24.3. Date Textbox Widget

If no popup calendar is desired, we can use the widget formset.widgets.DateTextBox. This widget is rendered as a simple text box, but still uses the same date format as the date picker widget. This means that the date format adapts itself to the browser’s locale setting. This setting can be overridden by adding the attribute date-format to the widget during instantiation, for instance DatePicker(attrs={"date-format": "iso"}).

from formset.widgets import DateTextbox

class BirthdateForm(forms.Form):
    birthdate = fields.DateField(widget=DateTextbox)

    # other fields

When using this widget, there is no need for the view controlling our blog form to inherit from the special mixin class formset.calendar.CalendarResponseMixin, because no calendar sheets have to be fetched from the server.

24.4. Date Calendar Widget

If we don’t want to offer an input field to enter a date, but instead a pageable calendar, then we can use the widget formset.widgets.DateCalendar. This widget is then rendered as a calendar sheet but behaves just as any date input field.

from formset.widgets import DateCalendar

class AugurationForm(forms.Form):
    auguration_date = fields.DateField(widget=DateCalendar)

    # other fields

Clicking into the calendar’s title switches to the year view. Another click switches to the decade view. By clicking on the up button, we return to the previous calendar sheet. Clicking on the small calendar icon inside the title jumps to the current date. Clicking on a date selects it but does not close the calendar.

When paginating through calendar sheets, each sheet must be fetched from the server. Therefore the view controlling this form must inherit from the special mixin class formset.calendar.CalendarResponseMixin. This class listens on the supplied endpoint and responds with a HTML snippet of the next sheet.

24.5. Date-Time Picker Widget

In our form, we want to add a field to enter the launch date and time. By using formset.widgets.DateTimePicker instead of the default widget, this input field opens a calendar, whenever the user clicks on it. This calendar differs from the default HTML date picker, which is rendered when using the widget formset.widgets.DateTimeInput. While technically possible, it is not recomended to interchange them on the same page or even application as this results in unexpected user experience.

By clicking on a date inside the DateTimePicker widget, a 24h view appears. Depending on the chosen value for the step attribute , the user can then select a certain time interval. The step attribute must be of Python type datetime.timedelta and can have one of these values: timedelta(minutes=5), timedelta(minutes=10), timedelta(minutes=15), timedelta(minutes=20), timedelta(minutes=30), timedelta(hours=1), timedelta(hours=2), timedelta(hours=3), timedelta(hours=4), timedelta(hours=6), timedelta(hours=8) and timedelta(hours=12). This defines the granularity of the timestamp the user can select.

from datetime import timedelta

class LaunchForm(forms.Form):
    start_datetime = fields.DateTimeField(
        widget=DateTimePicker(attrs={'step': timedelta(minutes=5)})

24.6. Date and Time Constraints

Both widgets formset.widgets.DatePicker and formset.widgets.DateTimePicker respect the minimum and maximum values passed to the widget DatePicker and DateTimePicker. By combining it with now and timedelta this becomes very useful, since it prevents users from selecting dates too far in the past or in the future.

from django.utils.timezone import now

class AppointmentForm(forms.Form):
    date = fields.DateField(
            'min': now().isoformat(),
            'max': (now() + timedelta(weeks=2)).isoformat(),

This example disables all dates which lie in the past and are more than two weeks in the future.

24.7. Applying Context to the Calendar

Apart from not having to integrate date arithmetics into the client-side part of this library, one of the big advantages of using a server side rendered calendar sheet is, that we are able to enrich the rendering context with additional data. Say that we want to show the phases of the moon for each date (this of course could also be done in JavaScript, but here it is used for simple demonstration purposes). Normally one would use some information stored in the database, for instance to display vacant or occupied rooms in a booking application. Or it can be useful to display extra information such as holidays.

from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from math import floor
from formset.calendar import CalendarRenderer, ViewMode

class MoonCalendarRenderer(CalendarRenderer):
    # Calculate lunar phase by Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_phase#Lunar_phase_calculation
    phases = ["🌑", "🌒", "🌓", "🌔", "🌕", "🌖", "🌗", "🌘"]

    def position(self, then):
        diff = then - datetime(2001, 1, 1)
        days = Decimal(diff.days) + Decimal(diff.seconds) / Decimal(86400)
        lunations = Decimal('0.20439731') + days * Decimal('0.03386319269')
        return lunations % Decimal(1)

    def phase(self, pos):
        index = pos * Decimal(8) + Decimal('0.5')
        index = int(floor(index)) & 7
        return self.phases[index]

    def get_template_name(self, view_mode):
        if view_mode == ViewMode.weeks:
            return 'calendar/weeks-moon.html'
        return super().get_template_name(view_mode)

    def get_context_weeks(self):
        context = super().get_context_weeks()
        monthdays = []
        for monthday in context['monthdays']:
            phase = self.phase(self.position(datetime.fromisoformat(monthday[0])))
            monthdays.append((*monthday, phase))
        context['monthdays'] = monthdays
        return context

class MoonForm(forms.Form):
    date = fields.DateField(
        label="Some Date",

Since this view requires a modified renderer to add additional context, we must tell our special mixin class formset.calendar.CalendarResponseMixin to use that by passing it as calendar_renderer_class.

class MoonView(CalendarResponseMixin, FormView):
    form_class = MoonForm
    calendar_renderer_class = MoonCalendarRenderer
    template_name = "form.html"
    success_url = "/success"