3. Web Component <django-formset>

When a form is rendered using a Django template, we must wrap it inside the web component <django-formset>. This component then takes care of the client-part, such as the form validation, submission, error handling and many other features.

A mandatory attribute of each web component <django-formset> is its endpoint. This is the URL pointing onto a Django view and this is how the client-part communicates with the server. Typically that endpoint is connected to a view inheriting from formset.views.FormView. We can either inherit from that class, specialize into our own view class and register it in the URL router,

from formset.views import FormView

class PersonFormView(FormView):
    template_name = "form.html"
    form_class = RegisterPersonForm
    success_url = "/success"

or use the class FormView directly in urls.py while defining the routing:

urlpatterns = [
    path("person", FormView.as_view(
        success_url = "/success",

In this example, the endpoint would point onto /person, but in order to make our form rendering templates reusable, we’d rather write

<django-formset endpoint="{{ request.path }}" csrf-token="{{ csrf_token }}">

We can do this, because the endpoint is located on the same URL as the view rendering the form.

CSRF token

Since the JavaScript implementing web component <django-formset> communicates with the server using the fetch function , having a hidden input field containing the CSRF-token doesn’t make sense. Instead we pass that token value as an attribute to the web component <django-formset>. Since that value is available in the rendering context, we always add it as <django-formset csrf-token="{{ csrf_token }}">.

Enforcing Form Submission

<django-formset endpoint="{{ request.path }}" force-submission csrf-token="{{ csrf_token }}">

An optional attribute to this web component is force-submission. By adding this attribute, we can force a submission to the server, even if the form did not validate on the client side. The default is to always validate all form fields on the client, and only if all of them pass, proceed with the submission to the server.

Withholding Feedback

<django-formset endpoint="{{ request.path }}" withhold-feedback="..." csrf-token="{{ csrf_token }}">

An optional attribute to this web component is withhold-feedback. By setting this to messages, errors, warnings, success, or any combination of thereof, we can withhold the feedback, which is shown immediately after the user types into a field or when a field loses focus. When combining two or more “withhold feedback” values, separate them by spaces, for instance withhold-feedback="warnings success". More on this can be found in section Withholding Feedback.